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Photographs by: Michael Corthell, Jennifer English, Sarah Forbes, Anna Litvak-Hineuzon, Matt Kattman
Curated by
Suzanne Révy

 “Quintet” is the result of a class offered through the New England School of Photography’s evening workshop programming. The goal of the class was to bring together five photographers into a group exhibition. Each student would learn everything that goes into getting their work on the wall of a gallery. Over the course of six classes, we covered editing and sequencing, printing methods, framing, presentation and artist statements.

Our challenge was to take five distinct visual voices and organize their work into a cohesive exhibition. We had three photographers immersed in nature and two photographers exploring the urban and built environment. Jennifer English has been exploring mushrooms in her yard and in the studio as a typology, Sarah Forbes has used quiet landscapes in meditative mindfulness, while Michael Corthell observes and abstracts minute details that catch his eye in the natural world. AnnaLitvak-Hinenzon examines layers and reflections as a metaphor for her experience as an immigrant, and Matt Kattman uses bold color and graphic elements to reveal the loneliness of the human form among the deep color and shadows of a metropolitan environment.

The exhibition title “Quintet” sprang from conversations and several email threads. Each body of work is distinct, but like a musical quintet, our goal was to allow for a visual dialog between each artist, while giving space to each unique note on the walls.